Production and refurbishing of batteries for electric bikes - Tábor

Production and refurbishing of batteries; to e-bikes


Let us realize that the battery is the heart of every e-bike, and as such should be approached with utmost care. For this reason, we refurbish and manufacture batteries only from professional cells from manufacturers Panasonic, Sanyo, Samsung and LG.

What will you gain as a professional? repaí by ACCU Technology?

  • increase battery performance - improvement driving comfort when driving off-road, or the difficult profile of the track.
  • possibility of increase capacity, capacities - increased range and battery life
  • fair prices - corresponding the quality of the articles and the work
  • two-year warranty time
  • direct communication with the manufacturer



ACCU Technology spol. s.r.o.
Farského 1462 | 390 02 Tábor
Phone: +420 381 251 947< /a> |

Refurbishing prices can be found here.